About Us

Who We Are

Uganda Christian Institute seek to develop passionate servants of Jesus Christ by personally educating students in an educational program which emphasizes the integration of biblical truth, ministry experience, and character transformation. This emphasis pervades the entire campus as the Institute strives to cultivate a caring learning community where Jesus Christ is exalted and students are equipped for serving the needs of church and society.

Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development (UCIPD) is Christian based Higher Education institution deliberately targeting professional development. UCIPD was established in 2010 and incorporated by Registrar of companies in 2012. The Institute applied for and was granted a provisional license in March 2013 with license number TI.PL 0059 by National Council for Higher Education. UCIPD is located in Opelo Village, Boroboro West Parish, Adekokwok Sub-county, Erute South County-Lira District, Uganda. UCIPD was established following an empirical study that revealed increasingly acute shortage of middle level managers and technicians with the requisite knowledge to propel the country into middle level economy. However, this desire has been curtailed by the high cost of higher education & thus failure by potential students to afford it. UCIPD has therefore positioned itself to provide access to higher education to the poor & to a large extent disadvantaged but qualifying children to access quality & meaningful all round higher education. UCIPD offers affordable professional training in various disciplines which is in line with National Education Policy of the Republic of Uganda.

Collaboration and Partnerships

UCIPD has established partnerships with local, national and international organisations in order to link programs that create a more effective service to the communities. We are interested in building new partnerships in Uganda and internationally in order to form strong alliances, enabling us to learn from each other and develop our individual approaches to make positive changes to the societies that we serve. We particularly seek support in areas of funding, scholarships to needy students, training opportunities, research among others. Some of the collaborations made with UCIPD include;

  1. Scholarship to diploma students from Advocates International for the academic year 2012 to date.
  2. Scholarship for certificate students from Peace and reconciliation ministry in Africa.
  3. Scholarship from Youth Build Foundation Uganda sponsoring students from Amolatar District
  4. Staff capacity building workshop and training, funded by Advocates international and peace and reconciliation ministry in Africa.
  5. Mass mobilization of out of school youth for scholarship a cross Lango and Acholi sub region in partnership with Active Vision Youth Foundation (ACVIYOF)
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